Master the Digital Shelf: key strategies for winning over an increasingly demanding consumer

DIP Insights 13/08/2024
It is not the first time that we have heard that consumers are increasingly demanding, regardless of whether they buy in online stores, physical stores or in a hybrid way - combining both channels. In online commerce, once the first obstacle has been overcome, the consumer experience becomes a crucial factor that will not only determine whether the customer completes the purchase, but also whether the total value of their order will increase.

However, despite all our efforts, there is a chance that the user will fill their shopping cart and end up leaving the store without confirming the purchase. To prevent this from happening, it is essential to follow certain guidelines. A common scenario, especially in retail stores, is the difficulty in finding the desired product. That is, the user accesses the e-commerce site and adds a series of keywords to the search engine. If the product they are looking for does not appear in the first results, they will tend to abandon the purchase process. This situation has generated significant losses for countless companies, estimated at up to 66 billion euros in Spain alone, according to a study by The Harris Poll.

Research reveals that 85% of Spanish consumers have not found the desired item in an online store. And what is worse, more than half of these frustrated buyers - 52% - have decided to abandon their shopping cart and search on another website.

Even though online shopping continues to grow, many consumers are frustrated when they fail to find the product they want on their first search. With expectations ever higher, users now expect search engines to understand what they are really interested in, deliver relevant results and show them personalized recommendations.

“For a brand, it’s not just important to be present, but to appear in the first results,” explains Ana Lara, Business Development Manager at Data Seekers. With this in mind, a tool like DIP Insights , our 360º digital intelligence platform, allows you to detect the position occupied by a particular product by collecting results based on the most frequent keywords: “Depending on the terms that customers use in a retailer’s internal search engine or in the different sections of a website, the brand will be able to make more informed decisions, based on the data, and act to meet the set objectives,” adds the specialist.

Optimize keywords in the search engine

With the right tools, sellers can calculate the share of each item and the keywords most used by customers to find a product. Information that can be used to analyze their items, identify the position of each one and take measures to improve their visibility, based on the most frequent or recurring searches.

Just like in physical stores, the window display is essential when selling online. This is where the Digital Shelf plays its most important role. A well-defined, organized and planned virtual window display will improve the customer experience, reinforce the image and perception of the brand and, ultimately, have a positive impact on sales.

User opinions matter

However, being the product of choice for consumers will not depend solely on the order in which the items appear. The opinion of other buyers also counts, and a lot. A study carried out by Skeepers, a company specializing in services that encourage the creation of user-generated content, indicates that 75% of consumers check online reviews of a product before making a purchase. The research, which covered more than 11,000 Spanish consumers, indicates that more than half of those surveyed read at least 6 reviews before deciding on an item.

Maximize the potential of every aspect of the Digital Shelf

Once a customer finds what they are looking for and accesses a product page, they face another challenge: is this product really what the customer wants?
To address this issue, DIP Insights Digital Shelf module ensures the best exposure, by brand, market, retailer, SKU:

  • Product name and descriptions

  • Number of images and videos

  • Rich content and stock available

  • Ratings and reviews

Once the main points to control in the virtual showcase have been identified, it is necessary to have an in-depth knowledge of the functionalities of each section to enhance the value of the Digital Shelf.

The growing demands of consumers and their high expectations of finding products quickly and efficiently forces retailers to optimize their digital presence. To do this, “having all the information on the same platform helps to be more agile and efficient, and to make better decisions based on data,” says Ana Lara.

Each point of sale is a showcase to be taken into account. Therefore, it is essential to optimize the display of your products in the e-commerce sites where you have a presence.

For this reason, having a tool like DIP Insights allows you to obtain all the information about your products at a glance, and ensure that each seller complies with the established requirements and respects the standards set by the company, thus guaranteeing the quality and consistency of your brand throughout the market.