Price intelligence does not understand sectors: 8 common mistakes

Price intelligence is not limited to sectors. With this statement, we do not intend to suggest that the way of selling, communicating, preparing the pricing structure, defining the distribution mix or defining the competitive set does not differ from one segment to another. A tourist accommodation, a rental car and a perfume, to cite three examples, have different essences (never better said), different buyers and different distribution channels. The article highlights the common mistakes that companies make when implementing price intelligence, a key process for competitiveness in all sectors. Among the most frequent errors are not adapting strategies to market fluctuations and not understanding price elasticity. The correct application of this tool, adjusted to the characteristics of the business, is essential to maximize income and efficiency.

If you are interested in learning how to avoid these mistakes and improve your pricing strategy, READ THE FULL ARTICLE ON MARKETING4ECOMMERCE .